Yoga for Your Back and Belly Ayurveda has a theory that says that we're all made up of ten pairs of qualities, called gunas, that describe everything in the universe, including thoughts and emotions. These qualities come in pairs of opposites, like heavy and light, soft and hard, and hot and cold. Gunas affect dosha, which is a key term in ayurveda that means "fault" or "defect." Ayurvedic theory says that gunas are always changing and when they get out of balance, they turn into dosha, which causes discomfort or if not remedied correctly, disease. Vata is the air and space dosha, and it's linked to the gunas of cold vs. hot, hard vs soft, dark vs light, etc. Vata gets stronger in the Fall because the weather is cooler and the days are shorter. The spine is where we first feel vata accumulating as we move into Fall and we all know how our bodies feel as the weather changes and it becomes colder and darker outside. Our bodies get stiffer, and we can feel heavier and more sluggish. Yoga, when practiced according to ayurvedic principles, is a remedy that balances the gunas and calms the vata dosha. The Fall Ayurvedic Yoga Series is designed to balance vata dosha, reduce stiffness, and bring lightness to the body.
Sunday afternoons 2:00PM, 75 minute Class
Back and Belly drop-in $25.00 - 4 class series prepaid $90.00